No amount
of profit
makes this

After six weeks trapped in a filthy chicken shed, her body aches. Soon she’ll reach the slaughterhouse, where she’ll risk being boiled alive.

Photo: Andrew Skowron • Open Cages

Behind closed doors, an animal welfare atrocity is unfolding. Chickens account for 9 in every 10 land animals raised for food worldwide. Tragically, these sensitive beings have little to no legal protections, and face some of the worst and most extreme forms of animal abuse in our food system.

Bred to grow unnaturally fast, these birds suffer from debilitating diseases while trapped in filthy, overcrowded sheds. In their final moments, chickens are hung painfully upside down, struggling to breathe, as they face the terror of “live-shackle slaughter.” Millions will suffer broken bones in the process. Thousands are boiled alive every week.

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Food companies have the power to end this abuse. In fact, numerous companies have already made public commitments to do better for chickens within their operations. But many would rather keep these torturous conditions under wraps.

The silence must stop, and companies must follow through by implementing the policies they pledged to put in place and being transparent about the progress.

You can help call out companies that needlessly contribute to this cycle of abuse. Join us to demand that corporate giants do better for chickens by implementing—and showing public progress toward—meaningful animal welfare improvements. Together we can send shockwaves through the food industry and end some of the very worst abuses faced by animals today. Ready to make a difference?

Caring people are Demanding these companies stop forcing chickens to suffer the worst abuses in factory farms.

because no animal deserves this

Trapped in filth
Unable to walk
Gasping for air
Bones broken
Boiled alive
Trapped in filth
Unable to walk
Gasping for air
Bones broken
Boiled alive

WARNING: Graphic footage ahead.

Continue I’ve seen enough

caring people are calling on corporate bullies to stop profiting from this cruelty

Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur • Animal Equality

Join the fight to end animal abuse

Animals need you. Will you join us to urgently call on Costco and other companies to end the worst abuses of chickens in the US? We’re taking on some of the biggest corporations that profit off animal abuse. Will you join us to call on these companies to put words into action and end the worst abuses of chickens in the US?

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Thank you,

Every day, living, feeling animals are born into a cycle of pain and suffering. But together we’re changing that. If you believe animals deserve better, please join us to take the next step:

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Top photo: Andrew Skowron • Open Cages
Above photo: Jo-Anne McArthur • Animal Equality
suffering chicken
cage bars
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